Effect of LigaSure™, Monopolar Cautery, and Bipolar Cautery on Surgical Margins in Breast-Conserving Surgery


Türkan Ahmet,Akkurt Gökhan,Yalaza Metin,Değirmencioğlu Gürkan,Kafadar Mehmet Tolga,Yenidünya Sibel,İnan Aydın,Dener Cenap


Background: We compared the differences in thermal damage at the surgical margin between monopolar cautery, bipolar cautery, and LigaSure™ in breast cancer lumpectomy specimens and assessed the effect of these techniques on the evaluation of the surgical margins. Methods: 30 patients scheduled for breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer were included in this study. During lumpectomy, each of the superior, inferior, lateral, and medial borders of the tumour was excised using one of the following: a scalpel, monopolar cautery, bipolar cautery, and LigaSure technology. The surgical margins of frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the lumpectomy specimen were evaluated. Thermal damage was defined as the maximum depth of thermal damage (in mm) from the surgical margin, and the level was categorized as none, low (≤1 mm), or high (>1 mm). Results: There was no statistically significant difference between monopolar cautery, bipolar cautery, and LigaSure in terms of thermal damage. There was no thermal damage at the surgical margin in tissues dissected by scalpel. Conclusion: Thermal damage due to the excision method may cause false-negative and false-positive results in the surgical margin evaluation of lumpectomy specimens. More research is needed on the effects of different energy modalities on surgical margin evaluation in breast-conserving surgery.


S. Karger AG



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