Some Remarks on QBism and Its Relevance to Metaphors for the Therapeutic Process Based on Conventional Quantum Theory


Milgrom Lionel R.


<b><i>Background:</i></b> Signs and symptoms of dis-ease are considered observable manifestations of an immaterial Vital Force. Likewise, experimental results on quantum systems are thought to indicate the presence of something that does not show up. Consequently, the <i>discourse</i> of conventional quantum theory (CQT) – with non-locality and entanglement being objective (i.e., ontic) facets of reality – has been considered a useful metaphor for the therapeutic process (TP) in homeopathy/CAMs. Thus, Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR) entanglement postulated an ontic non-local interaction between patient (Px), practitioner (Pr), and potentised medicine/curative procedure (Rx), resulting in the patient’s “journey to cure.” QBism is a new epistemic interpretation of quantum theory. Rooted in the subjectivity of Bayesianism, QBism refutes the notion that the quantum state of a system is a separate ontic property of reality. In QBism, non-locality and entanglement are considered an agent’s “subjective degrees of belief,” i.e., they are personally epistemic. <b><i>Objective:</i></b> To examine whether previous CQT-based entanglement metaphors for the therapeutic process need re-evaluation in the light of QBism. <b><i>Method:</i></b> Px and Rx quantum states/wavefunctions – Ψ<sub>Px</sub>, and Ψ<sub>Rx</sub> – are reinterpreted in QBist terms. Unlike CQT, this means each quantum state/wavefunction is postulated to represent only the local subjective “degrees of belief” of an agent who in this case, is the Pr. <b><i>Results and Conclusion:</i></b> Compared to earlier CQT quantum entanglement metaphors, QBism’s interpretation of the probabilities inherent in the Px and Rx quantum state/wavefunctions are Bayesian and subjective. Their resulting highly personal epistemology makes them more aligned with (and therefore potentially more useful to) how practitioners might experience the evolution of the TP. Also, because QBism predicts non-locality and entanglement can only be subjective properties of a practitioner’s own beliefs, the overall significance of previous ontic non-local CQT-based entanglement metaphors for the TP is questioned.


S. Karger AG


Complementary and alternative medicine







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