The effects of a high-voltage electrostatic field-refrigeration (HVEsF) system on
the freshness of olive flounder fillets were investigated by evaluating the
changes in the physicochemical properties of the fillets for 7 days. After the
olive flounders had been euthanized, the fillets were obtained immediately and
stored under four different conditions: −1°C as a control (Con);
−1°C HVEsF system set to 3,500 V (H35); −1°C HVEsF
system set to 7,000 V (H70); and 4°C (R). During the whole storage
period, slight decreases and increases in pH were repeatedly performed in all
the groups, and bacterial growth was inhibited at −1°C. The
formation of volatile base nitrogen, trimethylamine, and hypoxanthine was
significantly lower in H70 than in Con for 7 days (p〈0.05). The cutting
strength of H70 was maintained until day 3, while that of the other groups
decreased drastically as the storage period increased. Overall, a
−1°C HVEsF system set to 7,000 V maintained the freshness of the
fillets in the initial stages of storage.
The Korean Society of Food Preservation
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