A relation between specific immune status indicators and activity of “lipid peroxidation — antioxidant defense” system in COVID-19 neonates


Rychkova Lyubov V.,Darenskaya Marina A.ORCID,Petrova Alla G.,Semenova Natali V.,Moskaleva Ekaterina V.,Kolesnikov Sergey I.,Vanyarkina Anastasya S.,Kolesnikova Lyubov I.


The 2019 coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has not been considered as a solved issue for public health. Pregnant women and newborns are specifically vulnerable to COVID-19 infection compared to older children and healthy young adults. Virtually no data on relation between diverse arms of immunity in patients in neonatal period and coronavirus infection are available. The obtained results can contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms on reactivity of immune processes in young patients and corresponding formation of approaches for prevention and correction of such disorders. The aim of the study was to determine magnitude of specific altered parameters in immune system and their relation with lipid peroxidation parameters in COVID-19 newborns. Two groups of newborns (mean age 43.1 days) were examined: SARS-CoV-2-positive (COVID-19 patients, n = 44) and negative (control group, n = 80) PCR test of nasopharyngeal swab. All newborns were assessed for specific indicators of peripheral blood immune status and lipid peroxidation activity. The concentration of Th1-pro-inflammatory cytokines and Th2-anti-inflammatory interleukins was assessed by enzyme immunoassay method (a panel of monoclonal antibodies). Spectrophotometric, fluorometric and enzyme immunoassay methods to evaluate the lipid peroxidation system were used. According to our data, newborns with COVID-19 vs. healthy newborns had decreased CRP, pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and anti-inflammatory factor (IL-4). Change in lipid peroxidation system in children with COVID-was 19 related to higher level of DC, KD and CT, TBARs, increased SOD activity and reduced GPO. Numerous intersystem dependencies in the group of newborns with COVID-19 (CRP Total AOA, IL-4 KD and CT, IL-4 TBARs, IL-4 Total AOA, IL-4 SOD, IL-8 SOD, IFN GSH) were noted. It can be concluded that in newborns with COVID-19, changes in the immune system are nonspecific and are accompanied by an increased intensity of lipid peroxidation reactions against the background of reduced values of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. These results may contribute to a more accurate assessment of intensity and dynamics of emerging neonatal coronavirus infection, which should be an important arm in preventing subsequent complications.




Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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