Characteristics of the intestinal microflora in children receiving anti-tuberculosis therapy


Bryukhacheva Ekaterina O.,Zakharova Yulia V.,Otdushkina Larisa Yu.,Pyanzova Tatyana V.


The progress in investigating microbiome in children and adolescents as well as its impact on maintaining health is considered one of the most significant achievements of modern medicine. In children with various diseases, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the intestinal microflora change, which causes the development of dysbiosis. The assessing changes in intestinal microflora in children during treatment with anti- tuberculosis drugs has retained its importance and relevance due to insufficient data in the field, which requires a more detailed understanding of this problem. The presented article assesses the state of gut microbial biocenosis in children receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment. The purpose of the study: to study the microbial landscape of the colonic contents in children receiving anti-tuberculosis therapy. Materials and methods. The study included 24 children with verified tuberculosis of the respiratory organs receiving treatment in a 24-hour hospital of the Kuzbass Clinical Phthisiopulmonological Medical Center named after I.F. Kopylova. The study of intestinal microflora was carried out by a quantitative bacteriological method. The material of the study was feces collected in a sterile disposable container, which was delivered to the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Ministry of Health. Results. Dysbiosis with predominance of microecological disorders of II (41.7%) and III (37.3%) degrees was detected in all children receiving anti-tuberculosis therapy. The microbial landscape of the intestine was characterized by a decrease in the quantitative content of representatives of the obligate flora Bifidobacterium spp. in 66.7% of children and Lactobacillus spp. in 45.8%, an increase in the number of facultative microorganisms: E. coli lac+ and Citrobacter freundii in 12.5%. Maintaining a full-fledged and active intestinal normobiota is possible by ensuring its dynamic control in children with tuberculosis during treatment. The results of studying the characteristics of the microbiota suggest that patients need probiotic therapy during the treatment of tuberculosis. Conclusion. Microecological disorders in children with tuberculosis therapy were characterized by a decrease in the quantitative content of representatives of obligate flora and an increase in the number of facultative microorganisms. Also in the material, various types of fungi of the genus Candida were identified.




Infectious Diseases,Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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