Molecular and genetic characterization of LEPTOSPIRA spp. collection strains from the St. Petersburg Pasteur institute based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing data


Baimova R. R.,Ostankova Yu. V.,Blinova O. V.,Stoyanova N. A.,Tokarevich N. K.


Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease found virtually worldwide. Microscopic Agglutination Test with live leptospira (MAT) is the reference method for the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis. MAT is based on assessing serum potential to agglutinate live reference serovar Leptospira maintained at a reference laboratory. At some laboratories having own collections of isolated and reference Leptospira strains applicable for serological diagnosis, those microorganisms are maintained for many years by repeated subculturing, that increases markedly a chance of strain cross-contamination. The lack of adequate quality control for reference strains may affect data of epidemiological studies. Control of Leptospira spp. reference strains purity and stability of their antigenic composition is very important for diagnosis of leptospirosis. The study objective was to compare the 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences of some Leptospira strains from the collection of the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute to with relevant sequences uploaded to GenBank. In this study, 38 Leptospira strains were investigated. Nucleotide sequences of 36 strains were deposited in the international GenBank database, inconsistencies were revealed in two strains. The study found that the control Leptospira strains from the collection of the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute had minimal dissimilarities from international control strains. The analysis of the resultant 16S rRNA sequences has shown the presence of point mutations, transitions, deletions and insertions, regardless of the strain species. The open leptospira pan-genome demonstrates high genomic variability in species due to the capability of leptospira for lateral gene transfer in order to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The massive acquisition and loss of genes give rise to an increased species diversity. The 16S rRNA gene is suitable for screening diagnostics; however, high level of the fragment similarity and close phylogenetic relationship between different species put bounds to its use in genotyping. The presence of point nucleotide mutations is most likely associated with the evolutionary mechanisms of leptospira, their ability to horizontal gene transfer and crossing-over, including ribosomal genes, but this assumption necessitates additional research. For specimen genotyping it is necessary to select alternative genes with high specificity and sufficient level of nucleotide divergence. The study shows a need for genetic analysis of collection strains in order to control the purity of cultures.



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