Chronobiological approach to study microsymbiont catalase activity in female reproductive tract


Nikolenko Marina V.ORCID,Vaseva Ekaterina M.ORCID,Baryshnikova Natalya V.ORCID,Malishevskaya Olga I.ORCID


Catalase is a heme-containing enzyme belonging to protection factors that destroys peroxide compounds. The presence of catalase activity is an important ability of microorganisms that allows them to be protected from unfavorable factors as well as adapt to macroorganism conditions. Catalase along with superoxide dismutase plays an important role in pathogen resistance to phagocyte oxygen-dependent bactericidal mechanisms. The aim of the study was to investigate microsymbiont catalase activity from female reproductive tract in normocenosis and candidiasis dysbiosis using the chronobiological approach. The study was conducted on clinical isolates, isolated from female reproductive tract microsymbiocenosis. The catalase activity was determined by spectrophotometry based on 24 hour-long hydrogen peroxide reduction with 3-hours interval in winter season. Dynamic hydrogen peroxide was assessed in 3–5 experiment replicates. In some Lactobacillus spp., catalase was found containing no heme group — pseudocatalase. Chronobiological approach allowed to reveal enzyme activity from all microsymbionts. The dominant and associative microbiota isolated from healthy females was characterized by circadian (24 hours) rhythms of catalase activity early in the morning — 5 a.m. (р 0.05). Hydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously or via non-enzymatic catalysts, and microorganisms cope with this situation under such conditions. In microsymbionts characteristic of female reproductive tract dysbiosis, and usually found in large numbers along with decreased Lactobacillus spp. ultradian rhythms with 12- and 8-hour harmonics of catalase activity with acrophase were recorded in the morning (8 a.m.) and evening hours (8 p.m.). The minimum values of enzyme production in all cultures were recorded at 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Therefore, the contribution of the rhythm of the studied parameter at varying degree of vaginal sterility reflects the adaptive pathogen capabilities to the conditions of existence and can be the basis for studying related regulatory mechanisms. Mesor and amplitude phase stability are universal rhythmometric parameters used to evaluate patient’s condition independent of species assignment.



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