Importance. At the present stage of economic development the requirements for the quality of indus- trial structures innovation management have increased as a basis for increasing competitiveness and ensuring high stability of functioning in conditions of instability and crisis. The State program «Scien- tific and technological development of the Russian Federation» identifies key areas for reforming do- mestic enterprises. First of all for its effective implementation it is necessary to modernize the current system of innovation management. The objective of this study is to justify the need to improve the industrial enterprises innovation ac- tivity through digital transformation of the innovation management system, operational management of information resources and the introduction of advanced production and IT technologies. Methods. The practice of researching the innovative activity of modern economic systems shows that it is advisable to consider the process of managing innovative activity from the standpoint of the sys- temic, process and functional approaches that implement the main attributes of cognition – analysis and synthesis. The research is based on modern works of leading domestic and foreign economists. Discussion of results. The formation of a model for the effective innovation process development is the basis for building up scientific knowledge and competitive potential. The active industrial enterpris- es position in the development of innovations creates a stable basis for building the Russian digital economy in accordance with world development trends. Changing conceptual approaches to the gener- ation and processing of large amounts of information will improve the quality of management decisions, the efficiency and effectiveness of innovation, create a flexible system for the industrial enterprises functioning in constantly changing market conditions and mitigate the negative impacts on their inno- vative restructuring. Conclusions and Relevance. The article proposes tools for a systematic solution to the innovation management problems through the use of functional modeling technology IDEF0. Here is presented an approach to modeling the innovation management process based on the structural analysis and design of SADT, based on the integration of digital technologies and business processes of enterprises from the perspective of key principles for the new economy development.
Voronezh State University
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3 articles.