Determination of Fat Depression Levels in Cow Milk Obtained From Edirne and Tekirdağ Provinces in May


ATALAY Ayşe Burcu1,ATALAY Ali İhsan2


1. Iğdır üniversitesi Iğdır Myo



In this study, it was aimed to determine fat depression levels in cow milk obtained from Edirne and Tekirdağ provinces in May. Research data on this subject were obtained from a private dairy factory in May. Milk fat depression is a condition detected as a result of the milk fat levels of dairy cattle falling below 3.20%. Milk fat depression is an undesirable situation because it causes problems in obtaining dairy products. The data of May were compared with the 3.2% value, which is accepted as the milk fat depression threshold, with the help of a one-sample T-test. In this study, total fat levels were determined as 2.93% for Edirne and 3.32% for Tekirdağ. When the total fat levels were compared with the reference value, depression was observed in the Edirne province. However, depression has not been found in Tekirdağ province. Accordingly, milk obtained from Edirne in May is undesirable in terms of dairy production. In the province of Tekirdağ, such negativity has not been observed. In Edirne province, regulations should be made on animal feeding to increase milk fat levels. Fat depression analysis should be done in milk obtained from different provinces. Thus, it is of great importance for the economy of the country and human health to take urgent measures for feeding and animal breeding for places with depression.


Journal of Agriculture


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Materials Science (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

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