Men's ND1 gene genetic makeup Toxoplasmosis and Oligospermia affecting couples' infertility


S. Muhsin Salwa1,A. Al-Safar Montaha1,Mahmood Sarah A.1


1. Department of Community, Medical Technical Institute, Baghdad, Middle Technical, University, Iraq (MTU)


Introduction: Toxoplasma infection was higher in infertile couples than fertile couples, probably due to anti-sperm antibodies that were higher in couples with Toxoplasmosis. Investigations of T. gondii infections in men with infertility showed that among 100 cases of men's infertility, 36% were serologically positive for Toxoplasma-IgG and IgM. It has been concluded that T. gondii can affect men's fertility and result in infertility. Materials and Methods: Selective infertile males were asked about days of sexual abstinence. Seminal fluid samples were collected following a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 7 days from abstinence. Every patient was given a clean, wide mouth, sterile, dry, graduated plastic and warm disposable container. The samples were obtained by masturbation in a private room near the semen analysis lab to reduce seminal exposure to temperature fluctuations and control the time from collection to analysis. Results: For the ND1 gene, samples of 8 different fertility groups have been sequenced. These sequences have been compared to reference sequences taken from the NCBI database. Several mutations in various nucleotide positions of the ND1 regions have been detected in samples from multiple groups. The base substitution has been positioned on the nucleotides (nts) 3480, 3567, 3591, 3693, and 4216. The T to C evolution was notorious at nt 3480 in ND1 genes. The SNP was detected in an asthenospermia human (Sample code: 010480). Keywords: Sequence, ND1 gen, Oligospermia Toxoplasmosis, Couples infertility


Clinical Biotec


Infectious Diseases,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Epidemiology,Biotechnology







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