1. Prospects of Hybrid RO-MSF Desalting Plants in Kuwait
2. Awerbuch, L. Power-desalination and importance of hybrid ideas. IDA World Congress on Desalination. October6–9, Spain. Vol. 4, pp.184–192.
3. Kamaluddin, B. A., Talavera, J. L. and Wangnik, K. Reverse osmosis seawater desalination systems in co generation plants for additional production of drinking water using off-peak electrical energy. IDA World Congress on Desalination. October6–9, Spain. Vol. 1, pp.387–413.
4. Wangnik, K. A global overview of water desalination technology and the perspectives. International Conference on Spanish Hydrological Plan and Sustainable Water Management (Environmental Aspects, Water Reuse and Desalination). June13–14, Zaragossa, Spain.
5. Optimum feed temperatures for seawater reverse osmosis plant operation in an MSF/SWRO hybrid plant