Organization of outpatient ophthalmic surgical care under the conditions of coronavirus infection in Vladivostok Polyclinic № 3


Каbievа A. A.1,Shulgina N. A.2ORCID,Doronina L. V.1,Rypalovа I. D.1


1. Vladivostok Polyclinic № 3

2. Vladivostok Polyclinic № 3; Pacific State Medical University


The outpatient surgical care provided during the 2019–2021 COVID-19 pandemics was analyzed. In 2020, its volume was found to decrease, with the in-hospital stay of patients being reduced. As a result, the provision of such care to regional patients and the number of operations for malignant eyelid formations in Vladivostok Polyclinic No. 3 increased significantly.


Pacific State Medical University


General Medicine

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