Isothermal Turbulent Flow Analysis of an Aero Gas Turbine Combustor


Muthuveerappan N.,Shankar Venkataraman,Ganesan V.


Flow field in a practical aero gas turbine combustor is investigated, under isothermal flow conditions. Simulation has been carried out using commercial CFD software, FLUENT. Complete combustor, starting from compressor exit to turbine inlet, has been modelled using hexahedral dominant grid. All the complicated features of the combustor, including the swirler, have been modelled. Based on the isothermal flow analysis results of the baseline configuration, changes had been made to various air injection holes of the combustor liner, to improve the flow field. Modification on the primary and dilution holes of the liner, by incorporating canted chutes, has been studied. The effect of chuted holes on the jet penetration, mass flow distribution on the annuli and pressure loss is presented. Particular emphasis is given to achieving the proper primary zone recirculation pattern and the jet angle during this study.

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