A Treatable Metabolic Cause of Encephalopathy: Cobalamin C Deficiency in an 8-Year-Old Male


Krueger Jena M.1,Piantino Juan12,Smith Craig M.2,Angle Brad3,Venkatesan Charu12,Wainwright Mark S.12


1. Divisions of Neurology and

2. Ruth D. and Ken M. Davee Pediatric Neurocritical Care Program, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

3. Genetics, Birth Defects, and Metabolism, and


Neurologic regression in a previously healthy child may be caused by metabolic or neurodegenerative disorders, many of which have no definitive treatment. We report a case of a previously healthy 8-year-old boy who presented with a month-long history of waxing and waning encephalopathy and acute regression, followed by seizures. Evaluation for a metabolic disorder revealed methylmalonic acidemia and hyperhomocysteinemia of the cobalamin C type due to a single, presumed homozygous pathogenic c.394 C>T mutation in the MMACHC gene. With the appropriate diet restrictions and vitamin replacement, he improved significantly and returned to his premorbid level of behavior. This case illustrates an unusual presentation of a treatable metabolic disorder and highlights the need to consider cobalamin defects in the differential diagnosis of healthy children with neurologic regression.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference37 articles.

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