Blueprint for Action: Visioning Summit on the Future of the Workforce in Pediatrics


Sectish Theodore C.1,Hay William W.2,Mahan John D.3,Mendoza Fernando S.4,Spector Nancy D.5,Stanton Bonita6,Szilagyi Peter G.7,Turner Teri L.8,Walker Leslie R.9,Slaw Kenneth10


1. Harvard Medical School and Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts;

2. University of Colorado Medical School and Department of Pediatrics, Colorado Children’s Hospital, Aurora, Colorado;

3. Ohio State University and Department of Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio;

4. Stanford University Medical School and Department of Pediatrics, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto, California;

5. Drexel University College of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, St Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Philadelphia;

6. Wayne State University School of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan;

7. University of California at Los Angeles and Department of Pediatrics, Los Angeles, California;

8. Baylor College of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas;

9. University of Washington School of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington; and

10. American Academy of Pediatrics and Department of Membership, Elk Grove Village, Illinois


The Federation of Pediatric Organizations engaged members of the pediatric community in an 18-month process to envision the future of the workforce in pediatrics, culminating in a Visioning Summit on the Future of the Workforce in Pediatrics. This article documents the planning process and methods used. Four working groups were based on the 4 domains that are likely to affect the future workforce: Child Health Research and Training, Diversity and Inclusion, Gender and Generations, and Pediatric Training Along the Continuum. These groups identified the issues and trends and prioritized their recommendations. Before the summit, 5 key megatrends cutting across all domains were identified: 1. Aligning Education to the Emerging Health Needs of Children and Families 2. Promoting Future Support for Research Training and for Child Health Research 3. Striving Toward Mastery Within the Profession 4. Aligning and Optimizing Pediatric Practice in a Changing Health Care Delivery System 5. Taking Advantage of the Changing Demographics and Expertise of the Pediatric Workforce At the Visioning Summit, we assembled members of each of the working groups, the Federation of Pediatric Organizations Board of Directors, and several invited guests to discuss the 5 megatrends and develop the vision, solutions, and actions for each megatrend. Based on this discussion, we offer 10 recommendations for the field of pediatrics and its leading organizations to consider taking action.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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