Unusual Father-to-Daughter Transmission of Incontinentia Pigmenti Due to Mosaicism in IP Males


Fusco Francesca1,Conte Matilde Immacolata1,Diociaiuti Andrea2,Bigoni Stefania3,Branda Maria Francesca1,Ferlini Alessandra3,El Hachem Maya2,Ursini Matilde Valeria1


1. Institute of Genetics and Biophysics “Adriano Buzzati-Traverso,” IGB-CNR, Naples, Italy;

2. Dermatology Unit, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital—IRCCS, Rome, Italy; and

3. Unità Operativa Logistica of Medical Genetics, Ferrara University Hospital, Ferrara, Italy


Incontinentia pigmenti (IP; Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man catalog #308300) is an X-linked dominant ectodermal disorder caused by mutations of the inhibitor of κ polypeptide gene enchancer in B cells, kinase γ (IKBKG)/ nuclear factor κB, essential modulator (NEMO) gene. Hemizygous IKBKG/NEMO loss-of-function (LoF) mutations are lethal in males, thus patients are female, and the disease is always transmitted from an IP-affected mother to her daughter. We present 2 families with father-to-daughter transmission of IP and provide for the first time molecular evidence that the combination of somatic and germ-line mosaicism for IKBKG/NEMO loss of function mutations in IP males resulted in the transmission of the disease to a female child. We searched for the IKBKG/NEMO mutant allele in blood, urine, skin, and sperm DNA and found that the 2 fathers were somatic and germ-line mosaics for the p.Gln132×mutation or the exon 4–10 deletion of IKBKG/NEMO, respectively. The highest level of IKBKG/NEMO mutant cells was detected in the sperm, which might explain the recurrence of the disease. We therefore recommend careful clinical evaluation in IP male cases and the genetic investigation in sperm DNA to ensure correct genetic counseling and prevent the risk of paternal transmission of IP.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health








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