Maintaining and Improving the Oral Health of Young Children


Krol David M.12,Whelan Kaitlin34,


1. aMedical Director, Connecticut Children’s Care Network

2. bMedical Director, Care Integration, Connecticut Children’s, Hartford, Connecticut

3. cPeak Pediatrics, Thornton Colorado

4. dDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado


Oral health is an integral part of the overall health of children. Dental caries is a common and chronic disease process with significant short- and long-term consequences. The prevalence of dental caries remains greater than 40% among children 2 to 19 years of age. Although dental visits have increased in all age, race, and geographic categories in the United States, disparities continue to exist, and a significant portion of children have difficulty accessing dental care. As health care professionals responsible for the overall health of children, pediatricians frequently confront morbidity associated with dental caries. Because the youngest children visit the pediatrician more often than they visit the dentist, it is important that pediatricians be knowledgeable about the disease process of dental caries, prevention of disease, interventions to maintain and restore health, and the social determinants of children’s oral health.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference64 articles.

1. National Center for Health Statistics . Table 38, Dental visits in the past year, by selected characteristics: United States, selected years 1997–2018. Available at: Accessed December 21, 2021

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Oral health surveillance report: trends in dental caries and sealants, tooth retention, and edentulism, United States, 1999–2004 to 2011–2016. Available at: Accessed December 21, 2021

3. Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission . Medicaid access in brief: children’s dental services. Available at: Accessed December 21, 2021

4. The importance of oral health in immigrant and refugee children;Crespo;Children (Basel),2019

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