Substance Use Policy and Practice


Adger Hoover,Wilson J. Deanna


Substance use remains a common condition for youth from all racial and ethnic groups and all socioeconomic statuses. Although minoritized and other marginalized youth use substances at similar rates as white youth, minoritized youth are more likely to experience severe consequences and less likely to receive evidence-based treatment than their white counterparts. To address disparities related to substance use, pediatric health professionals must integrate substance use/substance use disorder prevention, early intervention, and treatment as part of routine pediatric primary care. To do so, we need to train a diverse workforce to engage in patient-centered conversations that are nonjudgmental and compassionate and that acknowledge the impact of structural determinants of health, including racism, on substance use and treatment outcomes. Keywords: substance use, addiction, substance use disorders


American Academy of PediatricsItasca, IL

Reference16 articles.

1. Associations of maternal prenatal drug abuse with measures of newborn brain structure, tissue organization, and metabolite concentrations;Peterson;JAMA Pediatr,2020

2. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Juvenile Residential Facility Census Databook. Accessed February 9, 2023.

3. Race/ethnicity, and behavioral health status: first arrest and outcomes in a large sample of juvenile offenders;Lau;J Behav Health Serv Res,2018

4. The essence of innocence: consequences of dehumanizing Black children;Goff;J Pers Soc Psychol,2014







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