Investigation of the effects of machining parameters on cutting conditions during orthogonal turning of austenite stainless steel
Kónya Gábor1ORCID, Takács János2ORCID, Miskolczi István1ORCID, Kovács Zsolt F.1ORCID
1. GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Innovative Vehicles and Materials , John von Neumann University , Izsáki út 10., H-6000 Kecskemét , Hungary 2. Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Department of Automotive Technologies , Budapest University of Technology and Economics , Műegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest , Hungary
The 1.4306 austenite stainless steel has been prominently utilized as a material in the automotive and aerospace industry. Considerable interest has been garnered in the machinability of stainless steel owing to its high strength and poor thermal conductivity. The aim of this study is to ascertain the influential cutting parameters, specifically the cutting speed and feed rate, on cut-ting forces, cutting temperature, and chip evaluation. Thus, austenite stainless steel was subjected to free-cutting using a carbide recessing tool under dry conditions. The principle of measuring cutting temperature, a complex procedure due to varying thermal homogeneity, was elucidated. For the turning experiments in question, the standard Taguchi orthogonal array L9 (32), featuring two factors and three levels, was employed. The experimental results were analyzed using MiniTab 17 software. The findings reveal a substantial effect of feed rate on cutting force, cutting temperature, and chip evaluation. The highest cutting force and cutting temperature were observed at a feed rate of 0.15 mm/rev. Conversely, the cutting force was minimized at a cutting speed of 100 m/min, indicating potential for increasing the cutting speed. The augmentation of feed rate led to chip compression and discoloration, attributed to elevated cutting force and a larger chip cross-section that efficiently dissipates heat from the cutting zone.
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