Hybrid predictive maintenance model – study and implementation example
1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Krakow , al. Adama Mickiewicza 30 , Kraków , Poland
In this paper, the concept of hybrid predictive maintenance for a single industrial machine is presented. A review of the solutions in the area of machine maintenance (especially predictive maintenance) which have been described in the literature is provided. The assumptions of the hybrid predictive maintenance model for modules, machines, or systems are presented. The methods used within the developed methodology are described. This includes the use of diagnostic data, experience, and a mathematical model. A case study of an industrial machine on which a system for collecting diag-nostic data has been pilot-implemented, using, among others, vibration sensors and drive system pa-rameters for damage detection is presented. The registered data can be used to precisely determine the time of upcoming failure after detection of the characteristic symptoms resulting from component wear In addition, an analysis of the durations of correct operation and failure events was performed and indicators describing these values were determined. The values of the aforementioned indicators were determined based on empirical data and described using a gamma distribution. The objective of the research was to prepare, implement and draw conclusions on a hybrid predictive maintenance model. A real industrial machine was used in the research study. The hybrid predictive maintenance model presented in this paper enables the use of data of different types (diagnostic, historical and mathemat-ical model-based) in scheduling machine downtime for maintenance actions. On the basis of the re-search conducted, it was determined which machine operating parameters are characterised by varia-bility that enables the detection of upcoming failure. This allows for precise planning of maintenance activities and minimization of unplanned downtime.
Stowarzyszenie Menedzerow Jakosci i Produkcji
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