1. 1. Kelsen H. The Law of the United nations: A Critical Analyses of its Fundamental Problems, London 1951, p. 11-13.
2. 2. Verdross A. Vulkerrecht, Vienna 1964, p. 292-295, translated in: J.G. Lammers, Pollution of International Watercourses, The Hague 1984, p. 565.
3. 3. Fitzmaurice M., Elisa O. Watercourse Co-operation in Northern Europe: A Model for Future, The Hague, 2004, p. 5.
4. 4. Jenks C.J. Law in the World Community, New York 1967, p. 92.
5. 5. Goldie L. F.E. Development of International Environmental Law- an Appraisal, in: J.L. Hargrove ed., Law, Institutions and the Global Environmental, Leiden 1972, pp. 104-165.