In care patients; pneumonia is common due to being bedridden, atrophy of respiratory muscles and use of medical devices.Dyspnea is the second most common symptom after pain in pediatric palliative care. In this study, it was aimed to examine therelationship between the severity of dyspnea and pneumonia. The study is a study that included patients admitted to pediatricpalliative care, diagnosed with pneumonia, and applied Modified Borg Scale (MBS) between December 15, 2019 and December15, 2020. The MBS has a scoring system ranging from 0 to 10 and assesses the severity of dyspnea. A total of 72 (34.4%) patientsdiagnosed with pneumonia and underwent MBS were included in the study. 51.4% (n=37) of the study group were male, and themedian age was 6.00 years (ranges of quarters=9). It was observed that the severity of dyspnea did not affect determining thepneumonia type and possible pathogen (p=0.613, p=0.948, respectively) In line with the results of the study, it can be concludedthat there is no relationship between the severity of dyspnea and pneumonia in patients in need of care.
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