Methodology for constructing the composition of fuzzy sets of search for specialists in Russia


Levina E.1


1. Market Economy Institute of RAS


The purpose of the article. The research is aimed at developing methodological support for the search for specialists in specified areas of industry based on a platform solution and intelligent analysis of a large amount of data. Materials and methods. The methodology of the research was made up of general scientific and private scientific methods, approaches and technologies, which include methods of analysis and synthesis to identify the needs of enterprises for specialists with the necessary competencies and loyal to the enterprise, systemic and structural-functional approaches for developing a platform solution in order to identify correlations between specified parameters (variables), methods of intellectual and predicative data analysis for determining patterns and presenting a predictive assessment of the provision of industries and complexes with modern and market-compliant corporate resources. Results. The author of the article has developed and presented a method for constructing a composition of fuzzy sets of search specialists for industrial enterprises in Russia. Conclusions. The developed author's methodology, based on the revealed patterns, will make it possible to determine the most professional and necessary specialists for the industry, on the selection and development of which industry enterprises should focus in the future. Application. The obtained research results can be used in the process of formation and development of corporate resources of industrial enterprises of the radio-electronic industry.


Joint Stock Company Economic Newspaper Publishing House

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