1. Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article raises one of the most pressing problems caused by both the general crisis of the existing market economy model and the exacerbation of geopolitical contradictions in 2022 — the problem of identifying key factors that ensure technological and socio-economic modernization. One of the least studied aspects of this problem is highlighted — the role of education in the formation of human potential, which in the conditions of transition to the 5th and 6th technological modes becomes the most important source of technological and socio-economic progress. The reason for this is that the main content of these transformations is creative work in its content, while the formation of a person’s creative potential is provided primarily by the education system, understood as the unity of the processes of learning, education and enlightenment. The modern education system, however, is characterized by contradictions associated with the deployment of the processes of commercialization, financialization and bureaucratization of education, which reduces the effectiveness of this area in the formation of human potential and, consequently, the implementation of technological and socio-economic modernization. In conclusion, the main directions of resolving these contradictions are highlighted.
Joint Stock Company Economic Newspaper Publishing House
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