The Russian economy at the beginning of 2020: the root causes of the growing chaos and the complex of anti-crisis measures


Glaziev S.Yu.1


1. Russian Academy of Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The hybrid struggle for world domination has entered a phase of critical aggravation. In an effort to maintain its dominance in the outgoing Imperial world economy, the United States has opened new fronts for the suppression of powers that they consider permanent periphery. In addition to instigating «small victorious» conflicts in Eurasia, rocking the commodity and currency and financial markets (with far-reaching consequences), the American ruling elite, judging by the whipping up of global panic, uses «last reserves» in the fight against doctrinally proclaimed opponents — China and Russia. And if the Chinese management model, which is the basic one in the new integrated world economic system, has once again shown its stability and effectiveness in repelling external threats, then Russia seems to be suffering another defeat on the financial and economic front. In any case, with the connivance of the Russian monetary authorities, the domestic market will again be overwhelmed by a speculative vortex, organized according to the already familiar technology. Based on these considerations and relying on their own and their principled associates solid scientific and practical foundations, the author of the article reveals the deep causes of the growing chaos and justifies a set of anti-crisis measures, formulates recommendations for the transition to the implementation of the strategy of advanced development.


Avtonomnaya nekommercheskaya organizatsiya Akademiya menedzhmenta i biznes-administrirovaniya

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