1. Laboratory of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Market Economy Institute of RAS
The problem of risk management, especially in the new conditions associated with global challenges and threats and the transformation of the economy, is of an urgent nature. The aim of the study is to expand the possibilities of minimizing risks for enterprises in the conditions of the formation of a new industrial landscape. The object of the study is the risks of industrial enterprises. The subject of the study is the features of minimizing the risks of industrial enterprises in the conditions of economic transformation. The methodology of the study consisted of the following general scientific and private scientific methods and approaches: the method of analysis and synthesis for studying the features of management and risk minimization in organizations of different levels, methods of classification and generalization for expanding the typologies of risks of industrial enterprises, structural and functional, systemic and situational approaches for risk analysis and the development of proposals for their minimization, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of analysis of open empirical data. The results of the study. The paper presents theoretical and applied aspects of using platform solutions and artificial intelligence elements to minimize the risks of industrial enterprises in the development of a new economic landscape. Conclusions. The author of the article supplemented the typologies of risks of industrial enterprises and proposed solutions to minimize them. Application. The results of the study can be used for further studies of this problem.
Joint Stock Company Economic Newspaper Publishing House
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