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2. Abbasov, J. (2018). Optimal Composition of State Budget Expenditures for Oil Rich Countries. Proceedings of the 6th Intern. Conf on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applica-tions, Baku, 2018, 11-13 July, volume II, 14-16.
3. Abbasov, J. A. and Aliyev, K. (2018). Testing Wagner’s Law and Keynesian Hypothesis in Selected Post Soviet Countries. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 66(5), 1227 – 1237
4. Abbasov, J. and Gulaliyev E. (submitted paper). The Impact of Governments’ Capital and Current Expenditures on Economic Growth: The Case of Azerbaijan. Communist and Post-Communist Studies
5. Abbasov, J. (2012). Econometric estimation of influence of budget expenses to income per capita and optimal distribution of budget expenses. Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, volume XXXII, N6, 123-132.