1. JSC Research Center
of Construction
Research work was carried out at NIIZHB
named after A.A. Gvozdev, one of the tasks of
which was to study the influence of the conditions
for stiff fixing supports on the parameters
of the effective lengths of reinforced
concrete columns with square and rectangular
cross-sections assigned when calculating the
strength of normal sections. As part of the
study, the influence of different values and
directions of the angles of rotation of the fixing
and their displacements was evaluated.
The conducted computational and theoretical
studies based on the analysis of experimental
data showed that the method of determining
the effective lengths, adopted in domestic
standards, can be improved.
Based on the results of the research, proposals
were formulated to take the results of
the work into account in the current regulatory
framework. Taking into account the peculiarities
of the conditions for fixing the structures
considered in the work, which correspond to
the nature of the work of monolithic columns
and pylons, it is recommended to include the
provisions of the proposed methodology in SP
430.1325800.2018, which applies to monolithic
structural systems of buildings. The prepared
proposals for the calculation are supposed to
be included in the current regulatory documents
as one of the possible options for determining
the effective length of non-centrally
compressed elements when calculating their
Joint Stock Company Research Center of Construction
Reference49 articles.
1. СП 63.13330.2018 «СНиП 52-01-2003 «Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции.
2. Основные положения».
3. СНиП II-21-75 Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции.
4. СНиП 2.03.01-84* Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции.
5. СНиП II-В.1-62 Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции.
Cited by
1 articles.