1. Ball, M. (1981) The Promise of American Law. A Theological, Humanistic View of Legal Process (Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press).
2. Borio, G. (2004) Monday, PM: Bernick v. Brandt, Blogging Tobacco On Trial, September 27. www.tobacco-on-trial.com/2004/09/27/92704-pm-session-no-am-session . Accessed 14 September 2016.
3. Brandt, A. (2002a) Expert Report Submitted by Allan M. Brandt on Behalf of the Plaintiffs in US v. Philip Morris, et al., May 10.
4. Brandt, A. (2002b) Deposition of Allan M. Brandt, in US v. Philip Morris, et al., August 15–16.
5. Brandt, A. (2004a) Written Direct Testimony of Allan M. Brandt, in US v. Philip Morris, et al., September 20.