1. Note: This article can only gesture to the agricultural economics literature. The reader is referred to L. R. Martin (general editor) and the four-volume Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1977–1987, and Wallace C. Olsen et al., Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology: The Contemporary Core Literature, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991. A compilation of analytical and interpretive essays is B. L. Gardner and G. C. Rausser (eds.), Handbook of Agricultural Economics, vols. 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2002. An internet-based open source of information is AgEcon Search, maintained at the University of Minnesota: http://www.apec.umn.edu/AgEcon.html (accessed 16 August 2006).
2. Abbott, P., and A. McCalla. 2002. Agriculture in the macroeconomy. In Handbook of agricultural economics, ed. B. Gardner and G. Rausser, vol. 2A. Amsterdam: North- Holland.
3. Allen, R. 1992. Enclosure and the yeoman. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
4. Allen, D., and D. Lueck. 1998. The nature of the farm. Journal of Law and Economics 41: 343–386.
5. Alston, J., G. Norton, and P. Pardey. 1998. Science under scarcity: Principles and practices for agricultural evaluation and priority setting. New York: CAB International.