1. Belkin, V.D. 1961. Natsionalnyi dokhod i mezhotraslevoy balans [National income and intersectoral balance]. In Primenenie matematiki i elektronnoy tekhniki v planirovanii [The use of mathematics and electronic techniques in planning], ed. A.G. Aganbegyan and V.D. Belkin. Moscow.
2. Bortkiewicz von L. 1906. Wertrechnung und Preisrechnung im Marxschen Sistem, (in three parts). Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 23(1) 1907, 25(1)
3. 1907, 25(2). The second and the third parts are translated into English, as 'Value and Price in the Marxian System', International Economic Papers, 1952, no. 2.
4. Eidel’man, M.R. 1962. Pervyi mezhotraslevoi balans zatrat truda v narodnom khoziaistve SSSR [The first intersectoral balance of labour expenditures in the national economy of the USSR]. Vestnik Statistiki, no. 10, 1962.
5. Leontief, W.W. 1941. The structure of the American economy 1919–1939. New York: Oxford University Press.