1. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 1924. Tenth annual report of the federal reserve board: Covering operations for the year 1923. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
2. Fisher, I. 1922. The purchasing power of money, reprinted. 2 ed, 1963. New York: August M. Kelley.
3. Friedman, M. 1956. The quantity theory of money: A restatement. In Studies in the quantity theory of money. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
4. Hume, D. 1752. Of interest; of money. In Writings on economics, ed. E. Rotwein, 1970. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
5. Humphrey, T.M. 1974. The quantity theory of money: Its historical evolution and role in policy debates. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review 1974(May/June): 2–19.