1. Christoph Schumann, “Introduction,” in Liberal Thought in the Eastern Mediterranean: Late 19th Century until the 1960s, ed. Christoph Schumann (Leiden: Brill, 2008), p. 1.
2. For literature on the 2011 events, see for example, Jean-Pierre Filiu, The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising (London: Hurst, 2011);
3. Gilbert Achcar, The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013);
4. Adeed Dawisha, The Second Arab Awakening: Revolution, Democracy, and the Islamist Challenge from Tunis to Damascus (New York: W. W. Norton, 2013);
5. Dan Tschirgi, Walid Kazziha, and Sean F. McMahon (eds.), Egypt’s Tahrir Revolution (Boulder, CA: Lynne Rienner, 2013);