1. Jobs, directed by Joshua Michael Stern, produced by Mark Hulme and Joshua Michael Stern (Open Road Films and Five Star Institute, 2013).
2. See Ben Child, “iQuit 2: Christian Bale Leaves Steve Jobs Biopic,” The Guardian . November 4, 2014, at: http://www.theguardian.com /film/2014/nov/04/christian-bale-leonardo-dicaprio-steve-jobs-apple-biopic (accessed December 4, 2014).
3. Jo Littler, “Meritocracy as Plutocracy: The Marketising of ‘Equality’ Under Neoliberalism,” New Formations, nos. 80–81 (2013): 54.
4. John Schaar, “Equality of Opportunity, and Beyond,” in Equality: Nomos IX, ed. J. Roland Pennock and John Chapman (New York: Atherton Press, 1967), pp. 236, 237–38.
5. Robert A. Dahl, On Democracy (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998), p. 10.