1. Virginia Fabella, Beyond Bonding: A Third World Women’s Theological Journey (Manila: EATWOT and The Institute of Women’s Studies, 1993).
2. Other accounts include O. K. Bimwenyi, “The Origin of EATWOT,” in Voices from the Third World 4, no.2 (December 1981)
3. Enrique Dussel, “Theologies of the Periphery and the Centre: Encounter or Confrontation?” in Different Theologies, Common Responsibility: Babel or Pentecost, ed. Claude Geffre, G. Gutierrez and V. Elizondo (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1984)
4. D. S. Amalorpavadass, “News and Comments: Ecumenical Dialogue of Third World Theologians,” Indian Theological Studies 14, no. 4 (December 1977)
5. Sergio Torres Gonzalez, “Dar es Salaam 1976,” in What Are Third World Theologies: Convergences and “Differences”, ed. Leonardo Boff and V. Elizondo (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1988)