1. See Jim Yardley and Dan Bilefsky, “Captain of Migrant Boat Hit Rescue Ship, Prosecutors Say,” New York Times, April 21, 2015,
/2015/04/22/world/europe/italy-libya-migrant-boat-capsize.htrnl. All websites quoted in this chapter have been accessed on April 21, 2015.
2. See Paul Vallely, Pope Francis. Untying the Knots (London: Bloomsbury, 2013), 97. Vallely tellingly titles this chapter of his book (pp. 95–125) “The Bishop of the Slums.”
3. Michael Nausner, “Alla Luce di Lampedusa. Una Riflessione Teologica sulle Frontiere Europee,” Protestantesimo 66 (2011): 341–56.
4. See Richard R. Gaillardetz, “The ‘Francis Moment’: A New Kairos for Catholic Ecclesiology,” CTSA Proceedings 69 (2014): 63–80. Among the other elements of Francis’s ecclesiology, Gaillardetz lists the centrifugal and listening qualities of the church.
5. See, for instance, Andrew Walls, The Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1996).