1. Stephen E. Henderson, “After United States v. Jones, after the Fourth Amendment Third Party Doctrine,” North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology 14 (2013): 434. “According to Justice Blackmun, writing for the majority, ‘[t]he switching equipment that processed those numbers [was] merely the modern counterpart of the operator who, in an earlier day, personally completed calls for the subscriber.”
2. Orin S. Kerr, “The Case for the Third-Party Doctrine,” Michigan Law Review 107, 4 (2009): 561–601.
3. Richard A. Epstein, “Privacy and the Third Hand: Lessons from the Common Law of Reasonable Expectations,” Berkeley Technology Law Journal 24, 3 (2009): 2000.
4. “The Taneja Group estimated the total cloud storage hardware market in 2010 was $3.2 billion, growing 31 percent per year to $9.4 billion by 2014.” Patrick Scully, “Cloud Storage” Broadcast Engineering 54, 11 (2012): 30–33.
5. Will Thomas DeVries, “Protecting Privacy in the Digital Age,” Berkeley Technology Law Journal 18, 1 (2003): 291–292, 293.