1. Avallone, Charlene. “What American Renaissance? The Gendered Genealogy of a Critical Discourse.” PMLA 112.5 (Oct. 1997): 1102–20. Print.
2. Baym, Nina. Woman’s Fiction. 2nd ed. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993. Print.
3. Boyd, Anne E. Writing for Immortality: Women and the Emergence of High Literary Culture in America. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2004. Print.
4. Buell, Lawrence. New England Literary Culture: From Revolution Through Renaissance. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. Print.
5. Buell, Lawrence, and Sandra A. Zagarell. “Introduction to The Morgesons.” The Morgesons, Ed. Elizabeth Stoddard. New York: Penguin Books, 1997. ix–xxi. Print.