1. Treaty of Westphalia; 24 October 1648, http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/westphal.htm , accessed 5 June 2007.
2. (1778) Treaty of Amity and Commerce (Le Traité de Commerce et d’Amitié), http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18thcentury/fr1788-1.asp , accessed 27 June 2007.
3. Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Navigation between the United States of America and his Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands 1849, http://www.hawaii_nation.org/treaty1849.html , accessed 15 January 2007.
4. (1879) Treaties of Friendship between Great Britain and Tonga, Treaties and Agreements with Great Britain, http://www.vanuatu.usp.ac.fj/library/online/Texts/Pacific_archive/ , accessed 27 January 2010.
5. (1939) The German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/nazsov/gsbound.htm , accessed 15 January 2007.