1. Attorney General's Department Australia. (2006a) CCTV as a crime prevention measure. National Community Crime Prevention Strategy, Tip Sheet 5, http://www.crimeprevention.gov.au/agd/WWW/ncphome.nsf/Page/RWPD39DCC854991AEF4CA25703400802080#tip_sheets , accessed 6 April 2011.
2. Attorney General's Department Australia. (2006b) Establishing and implementing CCTV in your local area. National Community Crime Prevention Strategy, Tip Sheet 6, http://www.crimeprevention.gov.au/agd/WWW/ncphome.nsf/Page/RWPD39DCC854991AEF4CA25703400802080#tip_sheets , accessed 6 April 2011.
3. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2009) Regional Population Statistics, http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/3218.02008-09 , accessed 21 November 2011.
4. AIC. (2004a) CCTV as a crime prevention measure. Crime Reduction Matters. Australian Institute of Criminology.
5. AIC. (2004b) Closed circuit television effectiveness and cost. Crime Facts Info. Australian Institute of Criminology.