1. Nancy Tomes, “An Undesired Necessity: The Commodification of Medical Service in the Interwar United States,” in Commodifying Everything: Relationships of the Market., ed. Susan Strasser (New York, 2003), 98.
2. Merck & Co., Merck’s 1901 Manual of the Materia Medica; A Ready-Reference Pocket Book for the Practicing Physician and Surgeon. (New York, 1901), in Collection 101, Box 55, Lloyd Library.
3. Fiammetta Rocco, The Miraculous Fever Tree: Malaria and the Quest for a Cure that Changed the World. (New York, 2003)
4. Saul Jarcho, Quinine’s Predecessor: Francesco Torti and the Early History of Cinchona. (Baltimore, MD, 1993)
5. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A Midwifes. Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on her Diary, 1785–1812. (New York, 1990), 359–63.