1. The opinion poll organization Latin Barometer has found that since the 1990s Latin Americans have ranked fear of crime as their top or second priority, displacing unemployment or economic concerns. On the “normality” of the social violence, see Enrique Desmond Arias and Daniel M. Goldstein (eds.) (2010) Violent Democracies in Latin America (Durham and London: Duke University Press).
2. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2007) Crime and Development in Central America: Caught in the Crossfire (UNODC, Vienna).
3. Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt (1999) Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America (London: Zed Press).
4. Hugo Frühling (2009) “Research on Latin American police: Where do we go from here?” Police Practice and Research 10 (5–6): 465–481, p. 465.
5. William F. Sater and Holger H. Herwig (1999) The Grand Illusion: The Prussionization of the Chilean Army (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press).