1. See, however, the caveat expressed by Owsei Temkin, The Falling Sickness: A History of Epilepsy from the Greeks to the Beginnings of Modern Neurology (2nd rev. ed.; Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971), 31.
2. Martha L. Rose, The Staff of Oedipus: Transforming Disability in Ancient Greece (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2003), 6.
3. Translation from Francis Adams, The Genuine Works of Hippocrates (Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins Company, 1939), 347–60, here 347 (modified slightly). E. M. Blaiklock, “The Epileptic,” Greece & Rome 14 (1945): 48–63, here 51. See also Temkin, Falling Sickness, 6–7.
4. Cited by R. J. S. Barrett-Lennard, Christian Healing after the New Testament: Some Approaches to Illness in the Second, Third and Fourth Centuries (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994), 333–34.
5. John M. Duffy, ed. and trans., Stephanus the Philosopher: A Commentary on the Prognosticon of Hippocrates (CMG 11.1.2; Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1983), 56, as cited by Temkin, Hippocrates, 200.