1. Bruce Robinson, Record of Service: An Australian Medical Officer in the New Guinea Campaign (Melbourne: Macmillan, 1945), 1–3.
2. Peter Dornan, The Silent Men: Syria to Kokoda and on to Gona (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1999), 91–92.
3. See, for example, P.B. Sutker, A.N. Allain, and D.K. Winstead, “Psychopathology and Psychiatric Diagnoses of World War II Pacific Theater Prisoner of War Survivors and Combat Veterans”, American Journal of Psychiatry 150, (1993): 240–45.
4. Graham W. Mellsop, Vesanthi Duraiappah, and Jo-Ann Priest, “Psychiatric Casualties in the Pacific during World War II: Servicemen Hospitalized in a Brisbane Mental Hospital”, Medical Journal of Australia 163, (1995): 619–21
5. Simon Wessely, “Risk, Psychiatry and the Military”, British Journal of Psychiatry 186, (2005): 459–66.