1. Alcoff, Linda. 1991. “The Problem of Speaking for Others.” Cultural Critique Winter: 5-32.
2. Anzaldua, Gloria. 1990. Making Face, Making Soul/Hacienda Caras. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books.
3. Bickford, Susan. 1997. Dissonance of Democracy: Listening, Conflict and Citizenship. New York: Routledge.
4. Boal, Augusto. 2000. Theatre of the Oppressed. New York: Urizen.
5. Butterwick, Shauna, and Jan Selman. 2003. “Deep Listening in a Feminist Popular Theatre Project: Upsetting the Position of Audience in Participatory Education.” Adult Education Quarterly 53 (4):7–23. Fisher, Amanda Stuart. 2009. “Bearing Witness—the Position of Theatre Makers in the Telling of Trauma.” In Tim Prentki and Susan Preston, eds., The Applied Theatre Reader. New York: Routledge, 108-15.