1. Allen, R.G.D. and A.L. Bowley (1935). Family Expenditure: A Study of Its Variation. London: P.S. King.
2. Bowley, A.L. (1893). A Short Account of England’s Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century. London: Swann Sonnenschein. Third edition, 1922, Allen and Unwin.
3. Bowley, A.L. (1895). ‘Changes in Average Wages (Nominal and Real) in the United Kingdom between 1860 and 1891’ and ‘Discussion’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 58(2): 223–285.
4. Bowley, A.L. (1897). ‘Relations Between the Accuracy of an Average and That of Its Constituent Parts’. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 60(4): 855–866.
5. Bowley, A.L. (1898–1906). ‘The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years’ (14 parts). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Part I: 61(4): 702–722; Part I (continued): 62(1): 140–150; Part III: 62(2): 395–404; Part IV: 62(3): 555–570; Part V (with G.H. Wood): 62(4): 708–715; Part VI: 63(2): 297–315; Part VII: 63(3): 485–497; Part VIII: 64(1): 102–112; Part IX: 65(1): 102–126; Part X (with G.H. Wood): 68(1): 104–137; Part XI: 68(2): 373–391; Part XII: 68(3): 563–614; Part XIII (with G.H. Wood): 68(4): 704–715; Part XIV (with G.H. Wood): 69(1): 148–192.