1. Coase, R.H. (1937). ‘The Nature of the Firm’. Economica, New Series, 4(16): 386–405.
2. Coase R.H. (1938). ‘Business Organization and the Accountant’ (a series of 12 articles). The Accountant, 13(October-December): 470–472, 505–507, 537–538, 559–560, 607–608, 631–632, 665–666, 705–706, 737–739, 775–777, 814–815, 834–835.
3. Coase, R.H. (1945). ‘Price and Output Policy of State Enterprise: A Comment’. Economic Journal, 55(217): 112–113.
4. Coase, R.H. (1946). ‘The Marginal Cost Controversy’. Economica, New Series, 13(51): 169–182.
5. Coase, R.H. (1947a). ‘The Origin of the Monopoly of Broadcasting in Great Britain’. Economica, New Series, 14(55): 189–210.