1. American Embassy Jakarta. (1962). ‘The Asian Games Controversy’, airgram A-593, 28 November, RG 59, EDU 15-INDON 1963, NARA.
2. American Embassy Jakarta. (1963). ‘Indonesian Sports, Politics and GANEFO’, airgram A-216, 4 September, RG 59, EDU 15-INDON 1963, NARA.
3. American Embassy La Paz. (1963). ‘Bolivian Participation in GANEFO (Games of the New Emerging Forces)’, airgram A-396, November 14, RG 59, EDU 15-INDON 1963, NARA.
4. American Embassy Montevideo. (1963). ‘Uruguayan Student Participation in Indonesian Games (GANEFO)’, 19 October, RG 59, EDU 15-INDON 1963, NARA.
5. Applaus voor Nederlandse vlag. (1963). De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), 22 November, Folio 2, Archief Harry Stapel, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands.