1. Anon. n.d. Pride And Prejudice By Dario Marianelli. http://www.classicfm.com/composers/marianelli/guides/film-score-focus-dario-marianelli/#SPkXdaXraeUt1fhk.97 . Accessed 15 September 2015.
2. Berlioz, Hector. 1948. Treatise on Instrumentation. Enlarged and revised by Richard Strauss, trans. Theodore Front. New York: Kalmus.
3. Branigan, Edward. 1992. Narrative Comprehension and Film. London: Routledge.
4. Cartmell, Deborah. 2010. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: The Relationship Between Text and Film. London: Methuen Drama.
5. From Novel to Screen: Adapting a Classic. 2010. Atonement, extras on Blu-ray Disc. Directed by Joe Wright. Universal Studios.