1. Adorno, Theodor W. 2002. Essays on Music: Theodor W. Adorno; Selected, with Introduction, Commentary, and Notes by Richard Leppert; New Translations by Susan H. Gillespie. London: University of California Press.
2. Anderson, Benedict. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Rev. and extended ed. London: Verso.
3. Bacon-Smith, Camille. 1992. Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
4. Barthes, Roland. 1977. Image, Music, Text. Translated by Stephen Heath. London: HarperCollins.
5. ———. (1957) 2009. Mythologies. Translated by Annette Lavers. London: Vintage.